Yorel Moreda Vázquez

BEng + MEng in Mechanical Engineering + MEng in Maintenance and Railway Engineering + PMP®

I supplying workshop equipment to maintain trains and facilitate sustainable and efficient people movement.

With over 10 years of passionately dedicated experience in project management and the design of machinery and testing benches in the automotive and railway sectors, I have excelled in the last 4 years leading international projects in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. During this time, I have applied my leadership skills and technical competencies to guide and develop teams, with a focus on customer orientation as a key factor for competitive differentiation.

My innate leadership ability and technical competencies are reflected in notable achievements, such as the redesign of production processes, significant reductions in assembly times and costs, the successful implementation of 5S in a new workshop, and the establishment of a culture of continuous improvement. Additionally, I stand out for the redefinition of interdepartmental processes, the creation and management of the Customer Service department, achieving an outstanding 95% customer satisfaction rate. Moreover, I have led the redefinition and deployment of the Contract Compliance process in my current role, aligning it with the framework of the company's annual Strategic Plan.


Depot Equipment Project Manager


Project management (multi-project) of workshop equipment for railway workshops at national and international level up to 20 M€ and with a duration spanning several years. Design of the project strategy to fulfill the contract, the business plan and the resolution in conclifcts to ensure a correct integration of all the equipment and materials supplied.

January 2021 - Present

Factory & Production Manager


Coordinate production activities with production control, maintenance, tool room, and quality control to obtain optimum production and utilization of manpower (up to 20 people), machine, and equipment. Consult with engineering personnel relative to modification of machines and equipment in order to improve production and quality of products.

March 2018 - December 2020

Customer Support Manager


Supervise the day to day operations of the department and mantain customer satisfaction through the provision of problem-solving resources and providing leadership to the customer support agents and subcontractors. Coordinate the warranty service to meet the deadlines and budget established to close the warranty.

March 2018 - December 2020

Depot Equipment Engineer


Design, manufacture, assembly, installation, commissioning and implementation of training rooms for test benches and tools for railway maintenance around the world. Issue of technical and economical proposals. Project management (multiproject) up to 4 M€ and 30 people.

February 2014 - March 2018

Automation Engineer

INGENICA STS, S.L. - ArcelorMittal Global R&D

Design of hardware-software systems (mechanics-electronics-control-communications BUSCAN) related to control of electric motors by means of inverters. Programming of microcontrollers and other systems and develop technical documentation of projects.

September 2013 - February 2014

Project Manager

UNIOVI ROBOCUP TEAM - University of Oviedo

Coordinator of the area of mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering composed of 6 people. Participate in the technical design, selection of components and contact with suppliers.

September 2012 - September 2013

Automotive Tooling Planner

MGB Ingeniería

3D design under the Mercedes standard of a bolt welding tool in the assembly process of the central sleeper product.

July 2013 - July 2013

Projects and Industrial Testing Engineer

Saint-Gobain Cristalería S.L. - Avilés R&D Centre

Tooling design for car glass shaping in CATIA v5. Programming of macros in CATIA v5 and computer applications in basic visual language for the development of printed interior glass. Complete development of mechanical projects: design, calculation and selection of components; creation of manufacturing and assembly plans and lists of materials. Writing and reviewing reports on tests, studies, etc. (Spanish/English). Technical assistance to different departments all over the world.

June 2012 - June 2013



Reduction of design time and risk of errors thanks to have implemented new design tools and working procedures at Sant-Gobain Glass R&D Deparment.

40 %

Assembly time reductions thanks to re-engineering of the test benches and tools design at TRADINSA INDUSTRIAL S.L.

25 %

Manufacturing cost reductiong thanks to proposals for the reuse of functional blocks between different products at TRADINSA INDUSTRIAL S.L.

100 %

Design, implementation and management of the Customer Service Department and its processes at TRADINSA INDUSTRIAL S.L.

95 %

Customer satisfaction in periodic surveys evaluating the response of the Customer Service Department at TRADINSA INDUSTRIAL S.L.


I led the redefinition and deployment of the Contract Compliance process, aligning it with the framework of the company's annual Strategic Plan at RL COMPONENTS - CAF Group.

Personal achivements

Decemeber 2021
Project Management Professional (PMP)®

Project Management Institute. PMP® Number: 3193616

April 2017
PCN certificate of competence in conditioning monitoring

British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (THE). License 336243

November 2016
Certified PRE – ISO 18436/2 Vibration Analyst


February 2016
Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA)

Dassault Systèmes, License C-V87CTJX5V2

March 2013
Article. Uniovi RoboCup Team’s Retractile and Compact Robot for RoboCup@Home. ISBN: 978-3-319-02331-1

II INTERA (International Technology Robotics Applications) 2013

March 2012
Article. Síntesis cineto-estática de una suspensión delantera alternativa para una motocicleta. ISSN: 0212-5072

XIX CNIM (Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica) 2012

March 2012
Final Year Project

Designing of a progressive front suspension system for a motorbike. Mark: DISCTINTION

Want to talk? Get in touch!

Available for new job opportunities. I have the confidence, experience and adequate preparation to take the next professional step and face new, more ambitious and higher responsability positions.

© 2024 Yorel Moreda Vázquez - iyore.es